As you may aware, my blog url speaks for itself! Not only I have a scrapper's block, I also suffered from a writer's block too! Its not that something to be proud of, but surely one can't force self to do something when there is no mood right? I am sorry :(
This post may be wayyyyyyyyy too late but simply sharing a layout made for SIC's March Sketch challenge. I sincerely love the sketch which was created by Alinski (She has the talent to do sketches!)

~* Miss Thailand *~
The photo was taken during my daughter's year end school theme concert and their class was asked to do a Thailand theme. She was soo excited then especially when they did the Thai dance on stage. It was too cute!! :) This year, she is now in Kindy 3 and insya'Allah will be having her Kindy graduation this year end. Wuhooo!
I also managed to scrap a LO for Ed's Sketch challenge but I forgot which sketch this was! OMG!! I'm really sorry Ed! But credit to Ed's Sketch blog challenge though. If I am not mistaken, it should be their February's sketch and I also forgot to submit this to them... Ohhh mannnn I have got to do something about my memory....RESET! LOL
~* Life is You *~
I particularly love this layout. No reason but I just. :)
My girl is the most precious thing happened to me so far...although I am longing for another baby bump hehe!
Meanwhile this LO is just an overflowing mojo creation LOL!
But I am loving this photo of my nephew in a'la Jason Mraz hat.
Isn't he sooooo cute??? hehehe
I guess thats all I can share... Will try to exert more creative juices by this weekend. In fact I have another 3 LOs in progress...well it was last year's untouched LO so I decided to finish it. MUST! hehehe
Toodles <3